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一杯水 - 多元观察与思维
迪诺 萨托 文・图  唐亚明 编译
「第18回 文津図書賞」受賞 (中国国家図書館主催 2023)
The 18th Wenjin Book Award (sponsored by the National Library of China, 2023)
『コップと水 - 考え方で変わる見え方』
186x222mm 100p 中国語版のみ
文・絵 ダイノサトウ / 翻訳・編集 唐亜明
"A cup and water - The way you see changes with the way you think."
186x222mm 100p Chinese Only
Written and Illustrated by Dino Sato
Translated and Edited by Yaming Tang 

A glass of water on a table.
It is a boring motif, but with knowledge, perception, tools, and imagination, we can see diverse worlds.

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