Dino Sato
3D Computer Graphics, Animations, Graphics

NTSC/Stereo/5'00"00 NDF 2006
Direction & Animation : Dino Sato
Produce & Original sculptures : Hiroshi Sato
Music : Makoto Miyata
グラフィックデザイナー佐藤浩が90年代より環境問題への警鐘として 制作してきたオブジェ作品を映像化。
暗くなりがちなテーマだけに、 明るく、希望の見える作品を目指した。
In 1990’s, a graphic designer Hiroshi Sato produced a series of sculptures for environmental problems.
It was named “SCRAPLAND”.
In a post-apocalyptic world, the only survivors are fantastic creatures made of scrap metal. With body parts made of tubes, pipes and wires, they feed and play just the same as their animal ancestors did.
上映歴 / The history of screening
Official selection
2006 Dec. “Les Nuits Magiques” (Begles,France)
2007 Mar. BIMINI2007(Riga,Latvia)
2007 Apr. Indie LISBOA 2007 - Competition INDEI Junior (Lisboa,Portugal)
2007 May Small movie for a big city(Multivision) (St.Petersburg/Russia)
2007 Jul. 58th Filmvideo 2007 - Competition Animation ( Montecatini Terme /Italy)
2007 Sep. Animadrid07 (Madrid, Spain)
2007 Aug. 10th Zimbabwe International Film Festival
2007 Nov. International Short Film Festival InterFilm (Berlin, Germany)
Screening (Film Festival)
2006 Aug. 10th Hiroshima 2006 International animation Festival (Hiroshima, Japan)
2006 Nov. 11th Holland Animation Film Festival (Utrecht ,Holland)
2006 Dec. 8th Jakarta International Film Festival (JiFFest) (Jakarta,Indonesia)
2007 Apr. Nippon Connection 2007 (Frankfurt am Main,Germany)
2007 Apr. Barcelona Asian Film Festival (Barcelona ,Spain)
2007 Jun. 15th Anima Mundi Festival 2007 (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Brazil) / Panorama program
2007 Jul. JAPAN CUTS;Festival of New Japanese Film (New York ,U.S.A.)
2007 Nov. CINANIMA (Espinho,Portugal)
2008 Aug. Ecrans de Harima 2008 (Himeji/Japan)
Screening (Museum)
2007 Apr. Japanese Film Days / Cinemath?que Leipzig e.V. (Leipzig ,Germany)
2007 Jul. Filmhaus Nurnberg (Nurnberg ,Germany)
2008 Aug. "Cartoon Midnight" / CARTOON NETWORK(Cable TV) (Japan)