Dino Sato
3D Computer Graphics, Animations, Graphics

カエルのタネ / Frog Seed
05min.00sec. NTSC/Stereo 2008
Direction,Animation and Edit : Dino Sato
Music: A.M.P. (Takaaki Amamoto / Makoto Miyata)
"Re.gion" / Meditation Drive 2 (c)2003 Agravic Records
A frog living in deep forest was brought up city by a stoke.
The frog was run over, then the city was covered with jungle.
30 years ago, frogs strolled the streets in the center of Tokyo.
In rainy day, I often saw the dead frog that ran over.
A beautiful fresh pink organ was spilled on the black asphalt.
上映歴 / The history of screening
Official selection
2008 Dec.“Les Nuits Magiques 2008” (Bégles,France)
2009 May "AniFest09" (Třeboň,Czech Republic)
2009 Mar. ANIMABASAURI5-ANIMABASQUE (Bilbao,Spain) - Karratu Section
2009 Oct. Sapporo International Short Film Festival 2009
- One Title Section National Program (Sapporo, Japan)
Screening (Film Festival)
2008 Aug. International Animation Festival HIROSHIMA 2008 (Hiroshima,Japan)
第12回広島国際アニメーションフェスティバル 2008 - 現代日本のアニメーション特集
2008 Oct. Biennial of Animation Bratislava festival 2008 (Bratislava,Slovak)
2009 Mar. 6th International Animation Festival of Tehran (Tehran, Iran) - Music Films
2009 Jul. Fest Anča / World Animation 3 (Bratislava,Slovak)
2009 Aug. Ecrans de Harima 2009 (ひめじ国際短編映画祭 (Himeji/Japan)-Art Animation Program
Screening (Museum)
2008 Nov. Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma (Helsinki,Finland)- Japanese animations
2009 Dec. Japanese Currents (Northwest Film Center-Portland Art Museum,U.S.A.)
2008 Dec. デジスタ - Save the future special- / NHK (Japan)
Digital Stadium- Save the future special- / NHK (Japan)