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性的な魚 - 繁殖を忘れた魚達
The sexual fish - The fish that forgot to breed
2min.00sec.  Quick Time/Stereo  2014
Direction & Animation : Dino Sato
Music : Makoto Miyata   /  2014
Based Poem: “And I Lounged and Lay on Their Beds” /  Constantine P. Cavafy  / 1915
Special Thanks: Vassilis Boutos





It is the house of pleasure for fish.

I express the pleasure of fish that forgot to breed.

Then I can even see fishing and landing fishes as sexual acts.

This animation was inspired with the C.P. Cavafy’s poem "And Lounged and Lay on Their Beds."



上映歴 / The history of screening



2014.Mar.  "DISTICTIONS",  9th Athens ANIMFEST2014 (Athens, Greece)


Official selection

2014 Aug.  Nis Constantines gold (Niš,Serbia)

2014 Nov.  KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival (Amsterdam, Netherlands)



2014 Aug.  Hiroshima 2014 International Animation Festival (Hiroshima, Japan)

2015 Jun.   Nippon Connection  2015 (Frankfurt am Main,Germany)

2015 Nov.  Certamen Internacional Cortos Soria 2015 -Cuestion De Séxo (Soria, Spain)



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