Dino Sato
3D Computer Graphics, Animations, Graphics

NTSC/Stereo/4'32"25 NDF 1999
Direction & Animation Dino Sato
Original Illustration U.G. Sato
Music Makoto Miyata
イラストレーターU.G.サトーにより発表された、「TREEDOM」と名付けられた一連のポスターに時間と動きを与え、ポスターの凝縮された表現から得たインスピレーション によって、新たなアニメーションへの飛躍を試みた作品
In 1993, Illustrator U.G.Sato published a series of posters to be named "Treedom". These were expressed the present situation of GAIA through trees's anger, sadness and plesure.
I thoght to give the posters time and action. I tried a jump to new animation by the inspirations acquired from the posters.
上映歴 / The history of screening
Official selection
2000 Jun. Annecy 2000(Annecy,France)
2000 Oct. The 43rd International Leipzig Festival (Leipzig,Germany)
2000 Oct. 15e festival du film d'animation pour jeunesse (Bourg-en-Bresse,France)
2000 Nov. CINANIMA 2000 (Espinho,Portugal)
2001 Feb. 2nd Tehran International Animation Festival 2001 (Tehran, Iran)
2001 May TOUGH EYE International Turku Animated Film Festival (Turku, Finland)
2001 Jun. Melbourne International Animation Festival 2001(Melbourne, Australia)
2001 Jul. NewZealand Film Festival (Auckland/Wellington/Christchurch/Dunedin,New Zealand)
2001 Jul. ANIMA MUNDI 2001/ 9th International Animation Festival (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2002 1st International Festival of Animation Films in Greece
2004 May International Pleiades Film Festival 2004 (Cannes, France),(Christchurch, New Zealand),(Kamakura, Japan),(Palo Alto, California),(Paris, France),(Saint-Cloud, France)
2005 May 3rd Taiwan International Animation Festival (Taipei, Chinese Taipei) "Japanese Contemporary Animation category"
2006 Nov. 4th Toronto Japanese Short Film Festival (Canada)
Screening (Film Festival)
2000 Aug. Hiroshima 2000 - Animation For Peace (Hiroshima,Japan)
2001 Apr. 2001 International Environmental Film Festival ( Cote d'Opale, France)
2001 Oct. FAN International Animation Festival 2001 ”Japanese Short Animations” (Norwich,U.K.)
2002 Jun. International Environmental Film Festival (Ouagadougou/Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso)
2002 Nov. TOKYOZONE 2 (Paris,France)
2003 May Fredrikstad Animation Festival - Young Japanese Talents (Fredrikstad,Norway)
2004 Jan. 26th Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival - Premium screening (Clermont-Ferrand,France)
2004 Feb. Les Rencontres Internationales de Cinema d'Animation(Bretagne,France)
2004 Apr. The 10th HIROSHIMA 2004 - Japanese Animation Today (Hiroshima, Japan)
2004 Apr. MEDIAWAVE 2004 - Japanese Animation Shorts by Young Talents (Hungary)
2005 Jan. 27th Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival - Premium screening (Clermont-Ferrand,France)
2005 Feb. OKINAWA MOTION PICTURE FESTIVAL 2005 (Naha Okinawa, Japan) 沖縄映像祭
2005 Apr. 5th Nippon Connection - Japanese Film Festival (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
2005 Oct. International Animation Day 2005 -Issue ASIFA Japan (Kyoto University of Art & Design, Kyoto Japan)
2006 Dec. 1st animfest (Animation and Music at The Athens Concert Hall) (Athens,Greece)
2007 Mar. 54 th Beograde Documentary and Short Film Festival (Beograde, Serbia)
2008 Mar. 3rd animfest (ANIMATION FOR... THINKING KIDS ) (Athens,Greece)
2007 Aug. Ecrans de Harimaショートフィルムフェスティバル2007 (イーグレ姫路あいめっせホール Himeji)
Screening (Museum)
2002 Oct. “Les cinem@s de demain” - Centre Pompidou (Paris,France)
2003 Oct. “Splat Boom Pow! The Influence of Cartoons in Contemporary Art“ (New Independent Animation from Japan)
- ICA (The Institute of Contemporary Art) Exhibition (Boston,U.S.A.)
2003 Dec. “Nouvelles images du Japon” - Forum des images(Les Halls,Paris,France)
2004 Mar. “NEW INDEPENDENT ANIMATION FROM JAPAN” - Jacob Burns Film Center (New York)
2004 July 2 - Aug. 5 "The Wide World of Animation" (a monthly series) - Jacob Burns Film Center (New York)
2004 Sep. Villette Numerique 2004 (Paris, France)
2005 Jul. CCGA Afternoon Cinema - Center for Contemporary Graphic (Fukushima, Japan)
2006 Mar. CCGA Short Movie Cafe - Ginza Graphic Gallery (Tokyo, Japan) ギンザ・グラフィック・ギャラリー
2002 Jun. Screening around Australia by Melbourne International Animation Festival
at Swan Hill ,Wonthaggi , Glenelg ,Shepparton ,Yarra Ranges ,La Trobe City ,Wyndham City , Mildura ,
Frankston and Box Hill (Australia)
2004-2006 Screening around schools in Greece
2005 Nov. FANTASTIC HEATER (Hibiya Tokyo)
2006 Aug. 彩音 PSY ON (兵庫県姫路市 大塩海岸 )
2006 Aug. お寺deシネマ (兵庫県宍粟市山崎町高下610 日蓮宗 龍川山法傳寺)
2006 Mar.- Sep. Broadcasted on TVE(Television Espanola,S.A.) (Spain)
2005 Oct. openArt DVD シリーズ / openArt short film selection#1 openArt short film selection #1 - Party(ESBW1824)